My First Post

I think this counts as an introduction?


This is probably the… fourth time I’ve tried to do this? And every single time, it did not go anywhere beyond the projects directory of my laptop. Things happened, work happened, life happened. So if you’re reading this now, we’re already well past any previous attempt I’ve made to create a personal web presence. I have somehow pushed through the mental boundary of continuing to look at a computer screen one evening after working a full day.

What is this anyway?

Good question. Great question, even. I have no idea what this is going to become. At the time of writing, it feels like this is going to become one part technical cybersecurity blog, one part shitposting, one part documentation of weird random side projects that may or may not be related to either of the prior parts, and one part therapy.

Who are you, and why are you shouting?

I’m from New Jersey, that’s the default volume. Not apologizing for it. But I’m Lou. I live in Texas at the moment, I like bourbon, puzzles, and computers. Years ago, I realized the intersection of puzzles and computers was working in cybersecurity, and that’s how I ended up here, partially by accident, partially because of the horrors that Private Equity have inflicted upon our society.

Are you going to post like, a lot?

Who’s asking? Define “a lot”. Really, I have no idea. Like I said before, this is farther than I’ve made it before in regards to getting this built, so we shall see. I’ve got a few blog post ideas written down in some notes system that Google has killed 3 times since I last checked it, so maybe I’ll find and/or remember those and get to work on them.

That’s all for now. I’ve still got to figure out how to configure half the knobs and dials on this thing, and have a pile of icons to replace.
